This Year it’s Happy ThanksGIVING!
What images come to mind when you hear the word Thanksgiving? For one of my best friends, and how her family does Thanksgiving, it conjures up Norman Rockwell type images - a warm cozy picture of an aproned woman presenting a perfectly roasted bird on a silver...
Inspiration & Celebration!
Last month’s newsletter was all about change - of seasons, of habits, of attitudes. October is over but this week the word is still in the air for me. Monday night I wrapped up my fall Passion to Profit coaching program for a group of amazing entrepreneurs. It is...
Practicing What I Preach
Last week I spoke before a roomful of amazing women in Fayetteville and shared the message that everything in our lives is perfect and just as it is supposed to be - even when the winds of chaos, challenges and even tragedy are swirling. It’s a talk I’ve given...
Home Sweet Home
I’m a woman of action. I can move mountains in minutes. I mean I can really make things happen. When I get an idea, an inspiration or make up my mind to do something, you had better stand back because stuff is going to fly. Got a business idea? I have been known to...
Time to Take Action!
I love summer! Love, love, love summer! If you know me at all, you probably know this about me. I love everything about it. The sunshine, the kids out of school, my annual trip to Maine, evening bike rides and my favorite of all - floating in the amazing waters of...
Are you dancing around luggage on the tarmac?
I took this photo from my seat on an airplane, sitting on the tarmac, waiting to take off. As I sat there I saw no less than 5 employees walk, drive or dance around this suitcase, without one of them taking the time to do anything about it. Two guys drove a luggage...
Today Was the Day…
Three or four years back I went out to dinner with my sister and brother-in-law and their daughter. When the checks came, I took ours but instead of my brother-in-law paying, my 28-year-old niece said, “I’ll take the check.” I sat there dumbfounded. She bought THEM...
Top 10 Favorite Quotes from My Mom
All over the internet I’m seeing blog posts about ‘Top 10 Quotes about Moms’ or ’25 Famous Quotes on Mothers’ – well, I don’t need any of those. I hit the jackpot when it comes to moms and I don’t have to look any further than my memory to come up with 10 great...
Drew Barrymore is Wrong!
Drew Barrymore is wrong! In a recent blog post she states, “I was raised in that generation of women can have it all, and I don’t think you can. I think some things fall off the table. The good news is, what does stay on the table becomes much more in focus and much...
Kim’s Good Reads
I love to read. I’m a voracious reader. I usually have two or three books going at once. So I decided, starting this month, I’m going to do a monthly “Good Read” and share with all of you a great book I’ve read. And if any of you have suggestions, please email me or...