UP, BOLD, BIG Newsletter January 2015 edition
January 2015 Hi Wonderful, Fabulous, Beautiful Friend, It's hard to believe that 2014 is over! What a year it was! In some sense it seems like it just started, and in another it’s been one of the longest and hardest of my life! I’m just BEING REAL with you! I...
UP, BOLD, BIG Newsletter April Edition
After the months of winter hibernation and erratic weather, I'm ready to throw open the windows and let in some fresh air. There's nothing like a crisp spring breeze on a sunny afternoon in April. This month is all about Spring Leaning for Your Soul! Check out this...
UP, BOLD, BIG Newsletter March Edition
This month we're focusing on being BOLD and getting our ideas heard and our needs met. There's lots to talk about so be sure to check out this month's edition of UP, BOLD, BIG and let's get going...
Is LOVE easy or is LOVE hard?
Is LOVE easy or is LOVE hard? For me, it’s both! It’s easy to love my family, my husband, my friends, the people I work out with, the people I go to church with, and heavens, don’t forget my dog. These folks are easy to love. They encourage and support me. They are...
Are you loving YOU?
Let’s face it – all of us have a long list of people depending on us. We’ve got spouses and kids, employees and co-workers, aging parents and friends in need. I’ll admit that some days it seems like everybody want a piece of me! That‘s when it’s time to step back and...
I love the thought that LOVE is not an emotion, as so many of us think, but rather a choice - or an action. That takes it from being this ‘noun’ of an idea that people search for and yearn to have, to a ‘verb’ that shows itself in our actions. That changes everything!...
Be in LOVE with What You Do!
Be in Love with What You Do, Even if You Don’t Love Every Minute of It! I’m in love with my husband. I have been since the very first night I met him and standing beside a campfire he said, “You haven’t seen the last of me Kim Tucker.” Well that was 27 years ago and...
Show the LOVE Challenge
This month I have a very special challenge for all of us! It's the SHOW the LOVE challenge and this is how it works. All month long I'm challenging you to look for unexpected ways to show a little LOVE in an unexpected way. It can be as grand or as small a gesture as...
Kim Hodous UP BOLD BIG December Newsletter – A Personal Note
My Dear Lovelies! Well December’s newsletter is going to be a bit different from my usual format as I’d like to share with you a very personal happening in my life … My mother was at my sister’s house in Indianapolis visiting over the Thanksgiving holiday. ...
What’s your Sound of Music?
The Sound of Music was the first movie I ever saw in a theater. I was 5 years old. It was during our family’s summer vacation in Brunswick, Maine and I still remember it like it was yesterday. Since that day I’ve been enamored with Julie Andrews, the abbey...