I was recently visiting with a friend and she was sharing about her father’s passing. She was a self-proclaimed daddy’s girl and this was a very painful time for her.
However, one comment shifted the whole experience for her.
She said at one point, close to when he was ready to pass, the room was full – childhood friends, friends from church, family from across the nation. Dozens of people had come to say farewell to this wonderful man.
The nurse looked at all the people in the room and said to her, “He sure must have loved a lot of people.”
I don’t know about you, but I think I would have used the well-worn adage, “He must have BEEN loved BY a lot of people.”
But the statement “He must have loved a lot of people,” is a totally different spin…think about it….
This Valentines Day, this day of LOVE, don’t focus on how many people you’re loved by – focus on how many people you can love!
Happy Hearts Day and Big LOVE!